Blog of Civil Commission for Africa (C-CfA)


Name of the Organization: SOCIAL WATCH
Country: BENIN
“Letter of Intention”
Please include:
(1)   reason why your organisation is eligible to be part of Steering Committee;
(2)   what kind of contribution that your organisation can make for Civic Commission for Africa
The mission of Social Watch Benin is to maintain a social permanent surveillance of public administration. Since 2005, in collaboration with people of cities and countryside, Social Watch has engaged in consultation and activity by the means of various programmes of development, with the support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Social Watch consults the people to collect their concerns and their deep aspirations for the development of Benin, within the framework of Citizen’s Control of public action. The analysis of perceptions of various alternative reports, which are elaborated at the stage of follow-up of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) or of development process of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), conducts people to criticize the deficiencies of good economic and political governance (bad governance and corruption), which ruined all the efforts of socio-economic raising and improvement of the conditions of brave population. The population expressed their distress with the decay of respect for public property. They remain perplexed at the chances of success such as recognition of their interest in the national policy and in decision-makings. Social Watch also conducts CSO’s advocacy beside IMF and World Bank: petitions of our members for the fight against poverty beside IMF and WB. At the same time, the Social Watch network animates firstly the collective of federations and the network of NGOs, work secondly as a member of several plate forms on the governance, the follow-up of budget and the follow-up of planning centred on the objectives of Millennium for the development in Africa, and work finally in different researches in collaboration with international social network on social security. We now have 150 members and a space for CSO’s mobilization. We were so identified as reliable and representative interlocutor by many partners who finance our activities and by many others such as Swiss cooperation which is already engaged.
How much could your organisation allocate in order to fulfill responsibility to be part of Steering Committee?
*Please include how to spend it. (in USDollar)
For our actions, we consider a budget of 20 000 US Dollars.
Please share the view of your organisation on the report of Tony Blair’s Commission for Africa, “Our Common Interest”.
Two important considerations:
A) General vision of development
Objective of Sustainable Development, elaborated during 1980’, is "to meet the current needs, without compromising the capacity of future generations to satisfy theirs". It means to aim "a double solidarity: horizontal, with regard to most destitute moment, and vertical, between generations". Accordingly, sustainable development was revised on 4 major pillars: social, economy, environment and participative democracy. These four pillars must be in constant interaction. Socioeconomic Development, Environment and Citizenship must be regarded as indivisible on all scales of human societies’ organizations and their environment. The Sustainable Development is local, national and international question. It will be carried out only if the combat and the solidarity are conducted squarely: combat for sustainable management of resources, for disappearance of socioeconomic imbalances and for democracy. The social factors for sustainable development are the access to education, habitat, food, care... the access to satisfy the essential needs of people to fight exclusion in all its forms (social, professional...), to stabilize the demographic growth as well as to control the urban growth and migratory flows. From the economic point of view, sustainable development depends on economic development which conforms to natural environment, providing basic resources, on major change in international economic relations in order to promote fair trade, on cancellation of the debt of the poor countries, and finally, on increase in investments so that they are not constrained any more to choose short-term profits in contradiction with their sustainable development and that of planet. On the environmental level, to achieve the objective of sustainable development, it is important to respect the following principal conditions: use and sustainable management of natural resources (air, water, ground, life) and of the human knowledge, maintenance of several numbers of great natural balances (climate, biological diversity, oceans, forests...) and economy of non renewable resources (oil, gas, coal, ores...). The whole of these conditions will be reached only with the participation of each one. The Sustainable Development requires democracy and the effective participation in this democracy (citizenship).
B) Point of view
The developing countries must exercise the responsibility to not rely on the aide but to aim good governance and the fight against corruption. This effort will be useful through reform of public finance and promotion of mechanism of control by citizens. We must seek to impact the MDGs through research of good practices of follow-up of State’s general budget. Finally the 8th MDGs invites to an international partnership to reach the MDGs .We think that if this partnership is frank with a constant will of our country’s politicians, the combat for sustainable development will be gained.
In conclusion, it is true that this programme develops positive points such as education, water and health care, which conform with the achievement of MDGs. But certain points comprise negative impacts and the program remains for Africa on very general level.
The reserves which we carry are related to the fact that this programme does not considerate the cultural diversity of countries and remains so very focused on numbering. Certainly with good intensions but we must be more convinced if this programme presents controllable effects and impacts in rereading of African countries. It is thus necessary to communicate around this programme!!!
Please list issues that your organisation would like to emphasize in order to reflect “voices” of your civil society effectively. *Please include reason why you listed those issues.
1. Technical activity and internet
2. Promotion of Citizen’s Control of Public Action in the French-speaking African countries. We actually received this Mandate at the world general assembly of Social Watch International
3. Campaigns for reinforcement of CSO’s capacity on MDGs and Strategies of growth and reduction of poverty: for actual appropriation.
4. Reinforcement of capacity of local communities, associations for development and NGOs on the budgetary follow-up of community and on lobbying; for the effective advocacy and professional denunciations.
5. Publications and editions of reviews; letters for connection and alternative reports of civil society - visibility and communication -

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