Blog of Civil Commission for Africa (C-CfA)


Name of the Organization
Country- Kenya
Civil Society Campaign on MDGs ( GCAP-Kenya)
“Letter of Intention”
Please include:
(1)     reason why your organisation is eligible to be part of Steering Committee;
(2)     what kind of contribution that your organisation can make for Civic Commission for Africa
Civil Society Campaign on MDGs( GCAP-Kenya) is a country based advocacy coalition global coalition the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP); a massive global coalition from more than 100 countries made up of a diverse range of community groups, coalitions, trade Unions, individuals, Faith Groups and campaigners (www.whiteband.org).
Since it was launched at the World Social Forum in January 2005 GCAP has mobilized more faith groups, women’s groups, trade unions, youth organizations, international NGOs, grassroots movements and numerous other civil society groups. Last year, GCAP-Kenya we partnered with churches, schools, social watch groups, the private sector and trade unions in a massive mobilization of over 102,000 Kenyans to raise awareness against poverty and the need for Governments to champion the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s).
Civil Society Campaign on MDGs- Kenya ( GCAP-Kenya) is also referred to as Jukwa la Kupinga Umaskini (directly translated as Platform to Fight Poverty)
(ア)   reason why your organisation is eligible to be part of Steering Committee;
       TICAD IV is coming to Nairobi we shall be centrally placed to provide liason and Logistics for the Steering Committee
       We are affliated to a global movement through which we shall be able to add value to TICAD processes
       Nairobi hosts regional offices for several international NGOs including Action Aid International, Oxfam GB, and the UN Millennium Campaign all of which have advocacy related work programs. It will consequently be quite easy to pull them together.
(イ)   what kind of contribution that your organisation can make for Civic Commission for Africa
       Civil Society Campaign on MDGs(GCAP-Kenya) is strategically positioned to provide a secretariat for the steering committee
How much could your organisation allocate in order to fulfill responsibility to be part of Steering Committee?
*Please include how to spend it. (in USDollar)
7000 USD
Civil Society Campaign on MDGs ( GCAP-Kenya) will spend the money to support the secretariat if it is selected to host it.
Please share the view of your organisation on the report of Tony Blair’s Commission for Africa, “Our Common Interest”.
I have circulated an email to GCAP members and apparently I could not get a GCAP (as a coalition) position on the paper. Those who have read the report seem to believe that it received reasonable support when it came out. The problem is that things have not really moved since in terms of other EU countries supporting the UK's approach but also in terms of the UK government delivering on its own commitments. There is a view it is a bit outdated now given that a lot of policy discussions have been happening since.
Please list issues that your organisation would like to emphasize in order to reflect “voices” of your civil society effectively. *Please include reason why you listed those issues.
In our advocacy, we want to pressure governments to eradicate poverty, dramatically lessen inequality, and achieve or exceed the Millennium Development Goals. We demand:
-          Public accountability, just governance and the fulfilment of human rights
-          Trade justice
-          A major increase in the quantity and quality of aid and financing for development
-          Debt cancellation

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